Red Kitty loves to drink from a dripping faucet, has taught Mariah to do this and Purrmeister is just beginning to get the hang of it. This little water bowl with a circulating pump was not terribly expensive (under $30) and is easy to clean and maintain. It offers both the gentle stream of water AND the movement keeps the water fresh and aerated. I found it at Petsmart.
I'm really surprised by how much more water all the cats seem to be drinking now--I have to top it off a couple times a day! But you know the saying about "teaching an old dog new tricks?" Well, the Red Kitty is the slowest to get the hang of this contraption, so far....
I currently have it installed on a folded vinyl table cloth. Purrmeister thought it was the best toy ever at first so he was splashing all over the place....thankfully, I expected that and so was prepared before I filled it up and plugged it in. What is it with that kitten and water? I half expect him to start taking showers soon....
I think we need to have a "Guess Who?" contest featuring photos of Red, Hobbes, and Calle Cat--they look so much alike!!!
I'm going to have to check out one of those water fountains--my kitties LOVE water out of anything BUT the stainless bowl we have for them. Now that I have moved the water plants out to the pond, Hobbes is back to drinking out of the fish tank. Ugh. Poor fish.
We have a water fountain here too, and we love it. Even the dog. I can't imagine drinking still water - yeech.
They look so darn sweet napping there together.
I don't have one of those water dishes but I do have a self watering dish. The cat I used to have LOVED to play in it.
Okay, Karen--I went out and bought the fountain today for my kitties. I'm hoping that that puts the end to my having to turn on the sink faucets now!
Be patient, Lin...they may play a bit more than drink from it at first! I kept a normal bowl nearby while they got the hang of it and now, maybe they drink from the stream and maybe from the lower "pond" but they chose it over the regular dish!
Thank you for allowing us to see the sweet pics of Red and Mariah. We can't get enough of love and friendship in this world!
Thank you also for showing us the drinking fountain. I think this would be great for our cats too. I just don't know if this is available in Europe. I will try to look into it and let all of our European viewers know.
Best wishes,
WE might have to get one of those water fountains. I bet they do drink more water with that. Purrmeister, not to worry, we would do the same thing, just splash all that water out of there. What fun and what a mess.
Have a terrific day.
that water fountain looks like a good idea. I am on a special kidney diet that my Vet sells.
There is definitely a learning period with that thing as the motor sound sort of scared them away at first. Now BOTH kitties are using it! It took less than a week to get used to it.
That fountain looks yummy! I dont like ours it has the water come out and go down a slide.
Thanks for visiting my blog! We think a water fountain would be a good idea!
What beautiful kitties you have-we have one of these and Mama is constantly cleaning the floor-My brother likes to play with the water.
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