Red Kitty loves to drink from a dripping faucet, has taught Mariah to do this and Purrmeister is just beginning to get the hang of it. This little water bowl with a circulating pump was not terribly expensive (under $30) and is easy to clean and maintain. It offers both the gentle stream of water AND the movement keeps the water fresh and aerated. I found it at Petsmart.
I'm really surprised by how much more water all the cats seem to be drinking now--I have to top it off a couple times a day! But you know the saying about "teaching an old dog new tricks?" Well, the Red Kitty is the slowest to get the hang of this contraption, so far....
I currently have it installed on a folded vinyl table cloth. Purrmeister thought it was the best toy ever at first so he was splashing all over the place....thankfully, I expected that and so was prepared before I filled it up and plugged it in. What is it with that kitten and water? I half expect him to start taking showers soon....