Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is soooo interesting?

Irish and Maddux have now become pals and seem to be almost attached at the hip at times. Here they are together staring intently by my front door.

What do you think they are staring at?

Update: Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. It's Lin. They are bug huntin'. The porch light was on and moths were gathering outside the door. They were mesmerized for literally an hour by them. Lol!



Lin said...

Hahaha! To think that they hated each other initially!!!

I think they are bug huntin!

brokenteepee said...

Does it have more than 2 legs?

Sharkbytes said...

Are you about to enter the door with a fish in your shopping bag?

Giulia said...

Décidément, ils ont toujours la tête en 'air ces chats et il est difficile de deviner ce qu'ils regardent, on ne peut faire que des suppositions. Sorry, it is not easy for me to write in english but your blog is very attractive (I have myself 3 red cats). Have a good day

Ann said...

everything is more fun when you have a friend to do it with :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour sweet friends!
Lovely idea, no doubts they have lots of fun playing and guessing about the door.
Sometimes I do it here as well, mainly when I see a little insect around the door.
Your blog is very cute!
purrs and love

Out on the prairie said...

Like how they wait as on a hunt.I made a video of an old cat I have and how he howls and paces when I get up to put some fresh food in his dish.Two bites and he is gone, just a put on routine.All the rest wait their turn until it is gone. I have a continual feeder in my basement, there is always some there.

WillOaks Studio said...

The ever fascinating insect diversion, eh? All of my hunters here love anything with 4 OR 6 legs--what will we do for fun when winter comes and the bugs are all gone??

Splendid Little Stars said...

Is there anything more wonderful than bug hunting?!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Awwww...so cute.

ChrisJ said...

That is such a clever Title for your blog! Yes, cats are my passion, as well as dogs, goats, sheep...etc.