Hi everybody! I'm Pib. That's the name I came with. The girl I was staying with left me alone for weeks at a time. All I had was a sofa and a tv I couldn't manage to turn on. My new mom had a friend who knew about me so they went on a rescue mission and brought me home. I spent the first few days on the top shelf of the closet warily eyeing the zoo I was brought home to. That is until I managed to fall off and have everything fall on top of me. After that I just stayed on the floor and hissed a lot. Now I hang out with the dogs I used to hate. This picture is the head shot I used for my audition with Red Cat Society. Like the walrus-whisker effect?

This is my buddy Star. Mom calls him Fancy Feast. He has a major posh attitude. He was part of the earlier rescue mission from the same girl who originally wanted to keep me. They were going to take him to the shelter where he would've been...ahhh you know the story. Anyway now we are both back together and most mornings fly up and down the hall sounding like a herd of elephants. 4 am seems to be a good time not to be bothered by the dogs. Now this picture I am trying to look like my hero Hobbes. Notice the orange ottoman pose? I really do have arms and legs.
Just so you know, I am the tough one in the family. There was this bug and Star just let it come cuddle next to him. But when I saw it I pounced about 50 feet in one leap and got it. Mom thought I wasn't paying attention from so far away but I showed her!
See you soon! Happy 4th of July!